Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cherry Tree Myth

First of all: George Washington did not chop down a cherry tree. The story had the young Washington fessing up to the tree bark "parent value.

However, the whole story is invented, a moral lesson from the Patriot's first biographer - a former Anglican priest and Bible salesman named Mason L. Weems.

Across the country, known as "Parson" Weems, wrote several books on good behavior supplement his Bible.

His most famous book, "LifeGeorge Washington with curious anecdotes equally honorable to himself and his fellow young specimen. "

The book was published a year after the death of Washington in December 1799, it contains a fair amount of factual information, but also led to some legends that have made our first president to appear something presumptuous.

This is unfortunate, because the myths have obscured the true personality of our first president. He was a man of great dignity, but a vital andemotional person. He was ambitious, hard working and sensitive to others.

Washington's integrity has been recognized by all those he met. However, curb, he worked all his life a hot temper.

There is no documentation for the history Weem fascinating is the cherry. He writes that he heard the story of "a distant relative near the family."

The relatives said they had never heard the story. However, the alleged incident in Washington with the character of childhoodPersonality.

It 'been controlled for the age of 11 years by her father, Augustine. The old Washington stressed honesty and obedience - how 's books of George and correct copy available paper can prove it.

After the death of his father, a young teacher in Washington, the art of detection. At 15, he was active in the profession. This trade led him repeatedly to the west of the border in Ohio and Kentucky.

In 1754 Washington sent by the Governor of VirginiaLead a force of French occupation, a fortress at the turn of the Ohio River and Allegheny, now Pittsburgh. The young American has been more beaten and forced to sign a humiliating defeat of paper. It 'was the beginning of the French and Indian War.

In later campaigns, the same George Washington confirmed, and was elected to several important military assignments.

Washington was 44 and a successful tobacco planter, where the American Revolution began. As such, he was reluctantChallenge of the mother country militarily.

However, he obeyed the call of the Continental Congress delegate to the small army of Boston, who had resisted taking the British besieged Breed Hill - is not available as Bunker Hill, in the vernacular context.

It took an honest man to deal with the reality of an irrevocable rupture with Great Britain - for the dangers and difficulties of creating a new nation, to take to armed force.

The war for independence is now a memoryWar of Independence. In fact, it was our unpopular war - the Civil War and the Vietnam War, though. Many colonists were loyal to England and bitter towards separation.

patience and perseverance in Washington was a resounding success from a bad war. He earned the nickname "Father of our country."

It 's a pity that his real talents and achievements are overshadowed by the photo-DO well with his memory through the common sense required ParsonWeems.

For example, here is the complete history of Cherry as told by the enthusiastic Weems:

I Can not Tell A Lie

"When George was about six years, he was happy that the rich owner of a hatchet, which, like most kids, he was excessively and was constantly going over everything, and hacks Came His Way.

"One day in the garden, where he often amused by hacking his mother's pea sticks, has unfortunately proven edgehis ax to the body of a beautiful young English cherry tree, he barked so terribly that I do not think the tree always had the upper hand.

"The next morning the old gentleman (father of Washington) to discover what was his tree - infested by the way, was a big favorite - was at home. With a lot of heat, which asked for the mischievous author , said at the same time did not take five guineas for his tree.

"Nobody could tell himnothing. Currently, George and his hatchet made their appearance. "George," said the father, "You know that beautiful little cherry tree killed in the garden?"

"Demand was tough and George staggered under it for now, but soon regained consciousness. Looking to the father with the sweet face of youth brightened with the inexpressible charm of all truth-wins, he bravely cried out:" I can not lie , Pa. You know I can notlie. I did it with my ax. "

"'Run to my arms, you dearest boy," cried his father in transports. Run into my arms. I am me, George, who was paid to kill tree means to me a thousand times. This act of heroism in my son is worth a thousand trees, but blossomed with silver and their fruits of purest gold! '"

I know you were here

Parson Weems was, of course, was not happy adequately describe allWashington virtue. Decorated in the same book with another myth:

"One day Mr. Washington went into the garden and prepared a bed of finely pulverized earth. In it he wrote s name 'George's name in large type. Then scattered in plenty of cabbage seeds. He stroked her and covered everything and with the roller.

"The bed, which was specially prepared to close a walk along the gooseberries, who knew George would be honored by the visits to the fruitsripe

"Not many people had died in the morning before George came to roll his eyes wild, her cheeks and little to bursting with great news.

O''Pa coming! Come here. I'll show you what a show you've seen everything in your life forever.

"Lord, to the old idea, what would George held out his hand, which he seized with great enthusiasm, and dragged him through the garden along, led him out of hand, was the bed, which in large letters -and all the freshness of plants in newly emerged - the name of George Washington.

"Look, Pa," said George, all in an ecstasy of astonishment, "Have you ever such a sight in her life? If you are in there?

"'It grew at random, I suppose, my son."

"'Oh, Pa, you should not say that this opportunity is all about. In fact, it has one, and I dare say, now, Pa, you've got it if only to scare me, because I am your child. "

"His father smiled and said:"Well, George, you guessed it. I did so, but not to frighten you, my son, but you learn a great thing I want you to understand. I want to present your real father."

"'High, Pa., is not my real father, who loved me, and so good to me forever?"

"Yes, George, I am your father, as the world calls it. Love you too much love. But still, with all my love for you, I'm just a poor father-nothing Compared with aHai. "

"" Yes, I know what you mean, Pa You mean God almighty, you do not, but if God Almighty? If you do not see it yet. "

"'Yes, my son, but if you never saw him, but he is always with you. She did not see me, when ten days ago, when operating in this small bed, where you see your name in this beautiful, green letters. Although I do not see here, but you know I was here. "

"Yes, Pa, what I do. I know you were here!"

* * **

So much for poetic license. The truth needs no embroidery.

Washington was that rare historical figure - the right man at the right place. His whole life was a dedication to the greatest happiness of the greatest number

It was not easy for him, but he worked to discipline its shortcomings - instead of pride, honesty, patience. His life is an example more challenging for our own imperfect nature that the preaching of moralists.

Inamassing his birthday with Abraham Lincoln in a Presidents Day convenience '- to our left another long weekend - we miss the true teachings of this great hero to us.

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