Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gas prices to fall next week unless George Bush and Big Oil Intervene

The average petrol price has now reached a high of $ 3.03 per gallon in the United States. Even higher than after Hurricane Katrina. The ceasefire and the UN recent agreement between Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah and the recent downgrading of years provided hurricanes and storms have reduced the risk of Gulf Coast oil industry. There are no major disruptions or affect the supply of oil provided for in the near future, experts say, the priceshould see crude oil on world markets, a sharp drop in the coming weeks. This does not mean that George Bush is not re-create something to help his friends in Big Oil and campaign contributors.

In recent months, Americans have been shelling out upwards of $ 3 a gallon, on average, and with a bankrupt and the economy really hits the middle and lower classes in the pocket of pounds. For the storm, the savings have been devastated and the Americans are save less and with more debt than ever. 90 percent of Americans and the average debt Credit card debt is now well above $ 10 000. This is due in part to George Bush and his republican view that the middle class must vanish.

George Bush has adopted laws and paved the way for Big Oil to its highest number ever of days. Exxon Mobil and other oil and energy companies are reeling in record profits this year at the expense of the average American.> George Bush and the rich do not feel as close to the middle class. Use their creative tax write-offs, tax accountants and lawyers to whittle away their taxable income equal to or less than 1 percent on average for the rich and wealthy. The middle class, on the other hand, pay an average 0f 30-35 percent of their income in taxes. That's right, absolutely not, but because the rich do not pay their share of taxes that must come from somewhere.

Regardless, at this timeThere are no oil under short-commerce issues, and so the price of oil and gas at the pumps therefore be covered and the American consumer should see some 'relief. Just Do not Tell George Bush on this or him, "Big Oil" and his friends will find a way to Saudi-up prices again. I do not see why the government can not take control of the oil industry, as with the United States USPS States Postal Service and postal delivery. USPS is one of the best run industriesUnited States and is still the cheapest method of mail delivery in the States or abroad. IF USPS ran the oil industry in the U.S. gas would be $ 1.50 per gallon or so. USPS will not charge the world price of mail delivery and dispatch pay a fair price and not $ 12000000000 sick benefits and $ 100 million U.S. dollars CEO compensation packages. George Bush could learn a lot from USPS and must stop screwing with the middle class and helps its richFriends.

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