Monday, September 6, 2010

George W. Bush 's numbers the next year, say

Regardless of how you feel about his politics, George W. Bush
is a symbol of all America. He embodies much of what
is both best and worst of us as people. While nations and
Wicca, as a symbol that we know that these influences affect
Bush personally tends to affect us as a nation. "Up there is
This is down '. So, with his sixtieth birthday next month,
and his popularity at an all time low, I wanted to see what his
NumerologyIt seemed for the following year.

As a numerologist, if I want to see what people in the future
There are (3) main calculations which I check: their Life
Cycles, the Letters of Transit and their staff years.
These values give me a general idea of what may emerge in its
their future, but require some interpretation.

Its life cycle

George Bush entered his third and final round of life to date
By 2003, with its re-Campaign. Cycle
offers new opportunities with other persons or groups of large employers
Groups (extremely appropriate). He is very sensitive to
Opinions of other people in this cycle.

Its cycle is a challenge to do an aversion to enjoy life, or
something just for fun. He is also extra difficulties
to express in this lifetime.

His letters of transit

letters of transit were calculated by a person name and surname at birth
and are the mostDetailed forecasts of events to a single
Individual. George Bush is the current transit letters "RKU".
It starts on his birthday in 2005 and changed its
Birthday next year in 2007.

The letter "K" marked moments of inspiration and spiritual
unusual events in the life of the President. It marks a time when
her marriage will be strengthened. It 's also a time of Marco
health problems. 'K' as a letter, take transit
(2) years, soits impact should be felt over the next 12 months.

When reflecting on our nation, it could indicate spiritual
Inspiration and systemic health problems for our employees as
All? We will see surprises and difficulties, please call us together
strengthen our relationships?

The letter "R" means a period of creative energy and
frustrating delays in the plans of the Chairman. It 's a time for
Ambition, strong emotions and inner turmoil that goes
with them.'R' as a letter to the transit (9) takes years
the longest possible time. There are only three years in this 'R'
Period is enough for his presidency.

At national level this indicator has been the ambition
frustrating delays and reflect on ourselves and our feelings towards the
The war and other policies of our government? If so, I see
this end during the Bush presidency.

The Letter U "indicates a time of creativity, but also a time
the poorfinancial success. The President has his
Confidence has increased in recent years. 'U' as a transit
Let for (3) takes years, began to impact in 2004
and will end next year.

As a nation, this could be a continuation of the Economic
Alas for the next 12 months. We also experience doubt
in our current direction. The best news I see here is that these
will take place in July next year.

Revision of its staff

2006 is aYear of staff (3) for President Bush. In apparent
Contradiction shows this is a moment of happiness and joy.
This is a year of optimism and benefits for him. It is
one year, should be moved to important decisions.
Bush should wait until 2007, all major policy decisions.

The midterm elections in November come, I expect
The President and the nation will hold off any major changes
in the status quo. Do not expectChanges in troop reductions in
Iraq to wait until next year.

, I also believe that as a nation, we are also full of
The optimism for the remainder of 2006. If this is a function of
Upcoming opportunities for change or a national demonstration of
Spirit for our problems is that optimism is certainly there.

Finally, although the relationship is imperfect, it seems
W. is a specific connection between the aspects of George Bush
Numerology and thethe nation as a whole. As a strong
Believer in the power of symbolic magic, I'd be shocked if
would have been different.

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