Monday, September 27, 2010

George Washington II's prophetic vision

Showing the path of a massive invasion and occupation by the enemy with success more likely in the near future could be running, we put our personal reactions. There are several assumptions that are valid and should probably change.

1 °) was 11.9 and clear warning and a plan for a much larger attack. The invasion will take full advantage of the element of surprise for the panic and terror response. It has affected some important goals simultaneously. E 'wasto show us how vulnerable we are attacked, but the government is still in denial of reality and act as if we are no longer in danger, because they create democracy in Iraq. Most of us know, better known as our enemies

2) A slightly modified plan of attack already exist or will be available shortly, which will be the new members of the 'Covenant invasion divided on a temporary basis. U.S. government know nothing of their existence. Government in this regardSurprise attack is impossible or unlikely or will the 9 / 11 Scale.

3) The great weakness of the U.S. government and the national economy, the supply of energy. Even those utilities are not directly involved in the initial invasion, the offer expires on signal designers. E 'possible to have enough troops stationed fuel for a quick response. All domestic supply and reserves for military purposes and the national transportation system bywill quickly come to a halt. Electricity from all fuels shall also apply to use state and national restricted under martial law. If your family is widely scattered at the time of the invasion, is likely to remain so for the duration of the war. Most of us will live only with locally available energy supply. Major gas lines and substations are likely to be destroyed. Nuclear and hydroelectric generation will be strongly defended. Because of the scarcity of energy, much of theU.S. weapons technology will be grounded. The invaders probably fuel supply depot for supplies in the Western Hemisphere.

4) Much of the strength of the military defense of the United States is employed in foreign commitments and not to defend the homeland. This is for what remains of the Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard before the landing of ground troops, is expected to fall by the millions. air defense will be enough to combat the invasion of the coasts and borders and intruders force their wayin some important points of entry.

5) Expect a limited nuclear attack from ships at sea, so that all nuclear impractical and unlikely. fifty-six nuclear strikes on nine metropolitan areas will be completely filled responder for weeks or months, so that other important goals in a non-protected. Washington DC is open to Al Qaeda. As provided the basis for military planning and response, which will be a first strike targetwith multiple warheads left nothing to chance.

6) If you live in a coastal port city spared from nuclear attack, expect a major conventional attack to make room for the invading forces of the earth not to exercise beyond the southern border. Mexico is a supply depot for the invasion of food and fuel prices, voluntarily or by force of will. Otherwise, go to feed and invaders from all sectors of consumer goods yet. You will initially meet with little resistance from armed citizens.The resistance will develop, as in Iraq, rumors of atrocities against civilians. They take all the weapons and ammunition from supply depots, where they go, so you have one you think will be necessary on the spot, if you actively oppose or have a militia. 9 / 11 of the fuel has been our first warning on. It may have been the only warning. You probably want to go on plastic sheeting and duct tape, why not allow the invaders who simply change their diapers.

7) A relatively small U.S. forcewith the most modern technology of war in Afghanistan was tied for 5 years without any real progress. A larger force, under the same terms, was tied for three and a half years in a relatively small country occupying Iraq. Expect to take a large force of U.S. occupation by five to ten years. Expect it to start some time after the Bush presidency, the creation of alliances invasion. We must keep our eyes on Iran, which are suitable for the head of the alliance. This isall the technology of war, Russians and Chinese are available, no matter whether their own nuclear weapons.

When I wrote The Revolution Homestead, it was with an eye towards the lack of energy and food from any number of causes. Washington's vision and current affairs, recently came together in my mind's eye. Add to that the apocalyptic vision of the Christian right, the behavior of Israel and 9 / 11 and we do not need a ton of imagination to see what needs to happen. CompareWashington may view the book of Revelation, the vision and see special offers take to the bank. If you have not read or copied the revolution Homestead, perhaps you will find it very useful when planning the future of your family with violent foreign occupation. While a word to the wise is sufficient, the constant repetition reckless require any new idea. Save some lives. Place a couple of friends, the reality of current events and possible outcomes.

Shortly after RonaldReagan took office, he has appeared on national television to proclaim the year of the Bible. He read a second Chronicles 7:14 in America. I thought that this nation will never voluntarily humble themselves. Humility should be forced by circumstances. Almost 26 years later, the truth of my thoughts more clear. We try to increase every day: wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter and prosperity, as we prepare for the fulfillment of prophecy.

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