Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prophetic vision of George Washington

A dejected George Washington at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777, had often prayed. Apparently men are intimate with great humility. Sitting at his desk, was about to write a dispatch. An angel appears and says no more than "Son of the Republic to see and learn."

You can view the details for themselves. In short, the vision foretold the revolution in progress, had asked the Washington and its success. Another crisis was theborn at the end of a century. It portrays the American Civil War and its conclusion.

The final crisis has created a great invasion of the hordes from Africa and Asia, and my memory of a map of Washington in the Middle East included. This crisis was burned the worst of the three, with our cities and communities, breaking our ranks and defeat at the hands if a plague of angels join the battle to inspire the troops and almost defeated expel the invaders.

The Bible refers to a propheticStandard. If the prophecy is fulfilled, as described, is God's Vision Washington seems like a great light on current events. 1) The invading hordes are allies and united in their invasion. 2) The map I remember, showed their invasion of the two coasts and the southern boundary. You know, the great virtual fence. 3) would be the biblical promise of the Book of Revelation are the major planetary destruction by fire.

What is the cause of global warming? And where thisGreenhouse gases come from? And what drives all the modern weapons of war? And as a result of the use of more powerful weapons of destructive war? What is the common result of the drought? Summers Western political thought in the last five years. In this prophetic vision, current events fall into place like pieces of a puzzle.

First, someone or something has to join the (foreign) enemies of America in an alliance. America's domestic enemies in the national governments have worked for this goalsince the Second World War. Sixty years later we see the invasion of alliances taking shape. The unification of global Islam. The Chinese and Russian alliance with Iran. The White House and Israel's determination to cement this alliance and a rubber stamp Congress to do it all legal and official. We feel for voting for change!

Global Warming: The alarms are coming with increasing frequency. If drastic measures are not taken quickly, the world's looming drought decimatePopulations. The book of Revelation forecasts a reduction of two thirds of the world population. If this turn, the climatic conditions or the result of them? If the surviving two billion multiply or disappear?

Believe it or not. There is still time to read the writing on the wall. It 's all in how you spend your time. Can ignore the letter and bring in your day to day as if nothing will change in the near future. You can stand on the tracks to slow the runaway trainglobal destruction. You can wave their arms in protest and write to your government representatives. You can plan to survive and to stay away from the track. You can schedule at home if the lights go out. Our view is at hand. A very fitting to end the era of man. Believe it or not.

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