Sunday, November 14, 2010

George Noory Vs Art Bell

I'm a bit of a talk radio connoisseur, as are many of us that travel cross country on a regular basis. I was introduced to talk radio some eight years ago now, and one of my first found favorites was Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.
At the time Art was not actually the host but Ian Punnit. Not having heard Art I thought Ian was a fine host (and still do actually). Art returned and I found a certain magic that Ian was lacking (although slightly). Art could take an obvious imbecile or nut-job and live on the air and make the call not only tolerable but enjoyable, even believable when it clearly was not. Later on I got the impression that some of Art's guests and callers were scripted - which you wouldn't know if you hadn't been listening for a substantial period of time.
Art then handed the show over to George Noory, who I did my best to give time and credence to, although always felt he just didn't quite cut the mustard (not for lack of trying). My issue with George is that he suffers no fools, which frankly the supernatural, alien, Bigfoot, conspiracy circles are chock full of. Although I appreciate his earnest search for the truth, he almost always comes off as that empirical scientist who cuts and explanation short simply because it does not fall into conventional thinking.
I have always considered Coast to Coast to be an odyssey of the mind for my insomnia and other insomniacs. Although we all yearn to find the definitive proof of the above cornucopia of what are currently considered pseudo sciences, the fun at midnight is sorting out the riffraff and grifters.
My advice to George: Take a page from Art's play book - listen, then respond in a way to intrigue the audience, instead of quashing all hopes at the first sign of shenanigans. Maybe even consider allowing a script every now and again (wink).

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