Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cheating on the Wii Fit

     The whole point of the Wii Fit is to allow people to get more exercise. It "tricks" them into exercising by forcing them to use their bodies to control the on-screen characters.
Some of the exercises are pretty straightforward, and there is no real way to cheat them. Many of the yoga poses, for example, require that you keep your posture correct, without too much wobbling. The best way to cheat those is to have something to hold onto, like a chair on either side of you.
     Some people want to cheat within the Wii Fit in order to unlock other games. The main game requires that you successfully accomplish several of the mini games in order to unlock even more mini games. That seems to be the one legitimate reason for wanting to cheat. It certainly does not make any sense to use two chairs just to help you do a yoga pose.
Besides using something to help keep you stable during yoga, there are a few other ways to cheat. For the jogging exercises, you do not really need to jog. You can simply take the wiimote and swing it back and could do this from the comfort of your recliner.
To beat the Lotus Focus mini game, which requires that you keep very still while the screen tries to distract or scare you, some people have resorted to simply setting a heavy object on the balance board. For a tougher mini game, like the tightrope walk, some people simply kneel by the board and use their hands to 'walk' back and forth.
      The last method involves racking up 'fit coins' in the fit bank, without really exercising. If you choose the balance table game where you have to navigate the ball through the hole, even if you never move, you are awarded 1 fit coin after 30 seconds. You would then start a new game and let it fail again, earning another point. Lame, but effective.
Generally speaking, cheating on the Wii Fit seems somewhat ironic, since the whole point is to help you get better at something you are too lazy to do anyway.

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