Friday, July 16, 2010

Do You Have Macular Degeneration?

     I have been shocked to learn that many people do not know what I am talking about when I use the words macular degeneration. If someone said to you "will you look at that". and you do, are you shocked that many people can not see what you see? This article is about an age related vision problem, one everyone needs to be aware of.
      How about someone telling you to just "feast your eyes on this" that person is not usually pointing to a big vegetable salad or a plate of your steamed spinach, but maybe she should be. Several recent studies have clearly shown that certain of your foods, especially your fruits and vegetables may protect your eyes from this age related macular degeneration (AMD).
     AMD is the most common cause of a severe, irreversible loss of vision in you folks that have reached the age of fifty and over. Yes, it is true as you age you face some challenges but I am here to help you along with this hopefully long journey. AMD's target is your macular, the small yellow area near the center of your retina that is truly special as it allows you to see details and provide you with clear central (not your peripheral) vision, just the kind of vision that you require to read and drive. No driving for anyone without a retina that is a guarantee, so pay attention to this problem.
     Now I have found that most experts are not really sure what causes AMD but they do now believe that your hereditary plays a role in many of these cases. This is usually characterized by a loss of pigment in your retina as well as some yellowish deposits called drusen. But there is now strong evidence that your nutrients play a role in preventing it. Isn't that great news? In fact, parts of the macular are actually made of certain nutrients that you get from food. So guys loading up your plate with the right foods will not cure AMD but it just may slow its progress and also reduce your risk of developing it in the first place. And as always you must eat well to be well.

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