Friday, October 29, 2010

George Sand Killed Chopin

Everyone knows that Chopin was condemned to die of tuberculosis, but not what has made social set in Paris in those days.

It was well known that Chopin was in love with novelist George Sand, and even more well-known that the sand was an ambitious social climber bent on putting every powerful man could continue their insatiable.

Chopin was just another step on the road to immortality, but it was actually stupid enough to fall in love with her.Company rumors say that Chopin's death was due to their infidelity and cruel treatment accelerated.

A list of the achievements of George Sand reads like an art, timing is Who "of European culture on. Liszt, Victor Hugo, Dumas (pere) and the painter Delacroix, all the objectives of its power brash, some say, however, , not with everyone.

Many writers of the day noted that the sand was a woman of low morals, and was surprised that he was a gentle genius like Chopinhave fallen for her. Many have found their heavy and obvious.

Chopin and Sand residence on their property, dotted with many of his great late works by Chopin.

And how did George Sand receive these masterpieces? He had installed sound-absorbing panels, would not listen.

Nohant images show a forest wonderland, with gardens and a vast wilderness area in the English manner. Chopin may have had at least a few years of peace havethere.

Chopin has finally had enough of his affairs, and two years before he died, he left. Chopin has never been with a woman again and died alone, sad and sick. Yet he was written to us with one of the greatest musical legacy forever.

John Aschenbrenner Copyright 2008 Walden Pond Press All Rights Reserved

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